OPERATIONALIZING the 2018 call to action on LINKING SRHR/hiv brings THESE RESULTS:
1. Reduced HIV infections, and reduced HIV-related morbidity and mortality through increased coverage of HIV prevention, testing, and treatment services, delivered within sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and broader primary health care settings.
2. Better health outcomes through increased access to SRH services for people living with and vulnerable to HIV especially key populations and at-risk populations, including migrants
3. Identification of promising and good practices for linking services including identifying barriers, challenges and solutions for optimal delivery of linked programmes.
Scaling up linked sexual and reproductive health and rights and HIV interventions to support universal health coverage
In all countries – with either generalized or population-focussed HIV epidemics – addressing the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of people living with and affected by HIV ensures a holistic approach for improving health and well-being, rather than focussing solely on disease prevention and management.
Reduced international development assistance for HIV necessitates:
· Roll-out of more integrated and mainstreamed HIV services within broader SRH programmes;
· Encouragement of domestic investment for integrated HIV services;
· Further social contracting, government–community partnerships and community–led programmes for responding to HIV and broader SRH needs of PLHIV and key populations.
SRHR-HIV linkages can occur at multiple levels, including linked health policies, health systems and integrated delivery of services. Developing and implementing linked SRHR-HIV programmes provide bidirectional benefits by improving both SRHR and HIV health outcomes. Linkages also increase both provider and client satisfaction through the delivery of person-centred health services.
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For more information about this opportunity or others, please contact partner@unaids.org.