The Investment Book is a tool for donors that capitalizes on the unique value of UNAIDS.
It answers three important donor questions:
- Why fund the global AIDS response?
- Where will funding be most catalytic and make a difference in people’s lives?
- Why fund the Joint programme?
The Investment Book highlights opportunities that are available for partnership and donor investment, and articulates the impact such investment opportunities at the global, regional and country levels.
All over the world stakeholders are achieving excellent results. The motivation for the Investment Book is to ensure continued beneficial outcomes and therefore focus on initiatives that either
- Close a gap
- Clear a bottleneck.
Closing Gaps
We define closing a gap as
- Providing funding where it has lapsed or been removed despite progress demonstrated.
- Acting on behalf of those who cannot speak or have been forgotten amidst other priorities.
Clearing Bottlenecks
We define a bottleneck as
- An area, situation or population that has been neglected due to other priorities or where people have been prevented from seeking or receiving help due to stigma and discrimination.
- Progress that has lapsed because of decreased or cancelled funding.
Where must we succeed to end AIDS?
The Investment Book focuses on eight strategic pathways to ending AIDS by 2030. The AIDS response is multi-faceted: it affects people from all walks of live and socioeconomic backgrounds.Each pathway has been carefully debated and discussed for its effectiveness in ending the epidemic. Each of them hold a key to success.
1. Testing and Treatment
Children, adolescents and adults living with HIV access testing, know their status and are immediately offered and sustained on affordable quality treatment.
2. Elimination of mother-to-child transmission
New HIV infections among children eliminated and their mother's health and well-being is sustained.
3. Combination prevention services for young people especially young women and adolescent girls
Autonomy and empowerment are vital factors in condom use, as well as knowledge, education and capacity to negotiate safer sex and reduce vulnerability.
4. Combination prevention services for key populations (sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender people and prisoners and migrants)
Key populations are especially vulnerable to HIV largely because of their systematic exclusion from decision-making processes and life-saving services. Reaching key populations requires advocacy, partnerships, the eradication of stigma and discrimination and the restoration of dignity to all.
5. Gender equality and ending gender-based violence
Persistent gender inequalities and gender-based violence contribute to women's HIV risk and vulnerability with 45% of adolescent girls in some settings reporting that their first sexual experience was forced.
6. Laws, policies, stigma and discrimination are removed
Stigma, discrimination and other human rights violations continue to impede progress in the AIDS response. We can't end AIDS without breaking down the barriers that hold people back from accessing testing, being able to receive treatment and care. This impact area is embedded across all other areas.
7. A fully funded AIDS response implemented based on reliable strategic information
A well-funded AIDS response must be linked to a wisely implemented one. This requires the best strategic information and enabling better data desegregation. Better data allow better decisions.
8. HIV integration
HIV does not exist in isolation. It must be situation within universal healthcare goals because it is part of the larger health landscape. Addressing HIV means linking it to cervical cancer, tuberculosis, HPV, sexual and reproductive health issues and a myriad of other links. Allowing HIV to be part of the larger testing process is a logical best practice.